What is Growth Track?

If you are new to Victory Life Church, we encourage you to jump into our Growth Track class!

Growth Track provides a great way to learn more about the basics of the Christian faith, the goals of the Church, and how you can better serve God.  The Victory Life Church Growth Track class is a four-week series that includes the following themes: 

101: The Basics of the Church: In 101 you will learn about the fundamental beliefs of Victory Life Church and how it is expressed on a weekly basis.

201: Essentials to Growing in Christ: In 201 you will gain a better understanding of how to grow in your faith!  

301: Discovering how God Made You: In 301, you will acquire valuable knowledge about the unique way in which God made you.  The goal of this session is to take an inventory of your God-ordained talents in order to move on to the next phase of your journey of service to God and His kingdom.

401: Using what God Gave You: In 401, you will connect to the opportunities available at Victory Life Church to serve God and His Kingdom by using your God-given talents and abilities.

The next Growth Track session is TBD.  Growth Track will be in room 307 at Victory Life Church.  If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Matt at pastormatt@vlchurch.com.